

Enquiries about Weddings should be directed to this email address.

All Enquiries regarding graves and the graveyard should be directed to this email address.

Enquiries about Baptisms should be directed to this email address.

Hub Leader Rev Sandra Jones Tel – 01942 728238
Associate Hub Leader Rev Sue Fulford Tel – 01942 242369
Reader Mrs H Steele Tel – 01744 894111
Assistant Warden Team Mr P Hughes

Mrs B Goulden

Tel  – 01744 732890

Tel  – 01744 894694

Assistant Treasurer Mrs J Roberts Tel – 01744 895151
Gift Aid Scheme Mr P J Stott Tel – 01744 895751
Friendship Group Mrs Jennifer Berry Tel – 01942 537325
Bible Reading Fellowship Mr H and Mrs C Wareing Tel – 01744 894759
Children’s Society Mrs J Grundy Tel – 01744 603208
Flowers Mrs B Goulden Tel  – 01744 894694
St Aidan’s Primary School Mrs R Fisher Tel – 01744 678042
USPG Boxes Mr J and Mrs B Bridge  Tel – 01744 894528